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Widline Destilus - Sponsor Now

Widline Destilus

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Children of Grace Orphanage

Age 21

Gender Female

In December 2010 We went and visited a very poor family that really needed a house built for them. They have 5-6 kids that all slept on the floor and their house was made out of scraps of steel and when it rained the water from the mountains would flood there home and the kids would all get sick. When we went to this home we met a little girl named Widlyn, Widline lived with her mom and her mom’s boyfriends and 5 other children. Widline was very dirty and her hair was very red from malnourishment. We saw this house and said we have to do something for this family and then I saw what they were eating and realized why these kids were so malnourished. We left that day and a month later mom brought her and her stepsister to the orphanage and asked if we would take them.

We love to sit back and watch Widlyn because she is one of those girls that is very, very tough but sometimes you see this sweetness in her that takes you back for a moment. But every day that she is with us and loved on you see more gentleness coming from her than toughness. We will always find Widline sitting by her self and coloring or writing. She has never gone to school and she is 7 years old. So when she learns something new she is quick to do her homework and she is very competitive and will erase and do it over again until it is perfect.