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Roseline Jean-Louis - 1 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Roseline Jean-Louis

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Teen Girls Home

Age 21

Grade 6

School Report Roselind is doing great in school. New update

House Teen Girl House

What do I want to be after graduation? Seamstress

Roseline is the oldest of 7 children. Her family have been involved in Grace Community Church for many years. We would always see Roseline in church but very sad, we put all of their children in Grace Community School, but Roseline was never thriving. The mom would always come and ask for food and clothes. You could often find no food in the house even though there was over 9 people living their. We hired the dad in the Mission to help with community clean up. When we started Grace Girl’s Home in 2015 the mom begged us to take Roseline, she was about 17 years old at this time. She was in school but only in 2nd grade and was struggling to pass that grade.

So we had Roseline come and live with us and it took her a little while to adjust and become happy but she is a changed girl now. Still very quiet but content. She would like to be a seamstress so she is being tutored so she can get up to 4 th grade and then she will start going to trades school to become a seamstress.  

Roselind is doing great. She is a hard worker and very helpful with the other children at the orphanage.

Sponsorship News

Published Wed, Aug 12, 20. Written by Doodle Cinotti.

Tell Roselind we are praying for her. We hope that she does good in school.

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