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Moise Pierre - 1 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Moise Pierre

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Age 22

Moise is 16 years old and one of several siblings, one of which lives in our teen girl’s home. Moise’s father died in 2017 and his mother was always sick and unable to work so she was unable to pay for food or any of the things they all needed; some of his younger siblings were actually living with another one of his sisters when he asked to come to live at the mission. Moise is in 8th grade and his favorite subject is Math and he would like to be an accountant when he is older. His favorite part about being at the mission is that he is able to go to school and learn and have the opportunity for his dreams to come true so that he can become a better person. He asked his sponsor to pray for him to be able to finish school and finish his studies.