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Doubens (Jobez) Augustin - Sponsor Now

Doubens (Jobez) Augustin

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Children of Grace Orphanage

Age 14

House Baby House

Gender Male

Jobez came to Mission of Grace in March 2018, a few months before he turned 8. Miss Kim was out in the community with a team delivering food when they came across his family. They stopped and asked how they could pray for them and the mother showed them Jobez and asked him to pray for him. It was clear that he was disabled and appeared to have cerebral palsy and was very dirty from laying on the ground all day. We asked if the mother would like help taking care of him and within hours, she carried him down to the orphanage to leave him with us. She was very relieved to know that he would be taken care as she was already so overwhelmed with her healthy children and his physical needs were too much for her to handle.

Today you will find his big smile awaiting you.  He loves to laugh and he is growing and thriving.