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Desline Brifil - 1 of 4 Shares Sponsored

Desline Brifil

Ministry Teen Girls Home

Age 25

I have brother(s) 2

Desline was 12 years old when Ms Lynn first saw her on the beach playing in the water, she was dirty and skinny, her hair was always unkept. Ms Lynn would keep noticing her down by the water and after the 4 or 5 th time Ms lynn called her over to talk to her. She asked her where her mom was, why was she not in school.  She replied that her mom was unable to put her to school and unable to feed her so she would wait till late at night to find left over food from merchants that would sell food on the beach.  Ms lynn’s heart broke for this little girl and asked her if she would like to come live with her. And So Desline started to live with ms lynn at Oceanview and Ms Lynn saw 100% change in her as she had a safe place to stay and she was loved. Ms Lynn immediately put her in school.

When Grace Girl’s Home opened in 2015 Ms Lynn asked her if she would like to move to the Girls House or Stay at Ms Lynns House and she choose to go to the Girls House and is thriving and doing very well. Desline is a very hard worker, very talented in dance and loves to go to church. She hopes to some day become a Pharmacist.