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Daniella Rosius - Sponsor Now

Daniella Rosius

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Children of Grace Orphanage

Age 11

House Girls House

Gender Female

Daniella has a twin brother named Daniel. Their mom was 9 months pregnant with them, they lived way up in the mountains and she was walking more than 2 hours down to get to a hospital to deliver her babies, she finally made it to the hospital and delivered but died right after delivery from bleeding.

Their father was desperate for help as he had to get back up the mountain to his other children and was grieving the loss of his wife when he heard that there was an orphanage that takes in malnourished babies. So he brought Daniel and Daniella who were only 5 days old and 5 pounds to Children of Grace Orphanage. Daniel has always been strong and growing well, but Daniella has struggled with gaining weight and has been in and out of the hospital, but she is doing well now.

 They are a little delayed with their walking and independency but they are gaining ground. They are sweet little children who are greatly loved.