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Claudy Bernard - Sponsor Now

Claudy Bernard

Place Carries Ouest Haiti

Ministry Children of Grace Orphanage

Age 20

House Boys House

Gender Male

Claudy was referred to us by a friend of Ms. Lynn. Claudy came to us with his sister Mary Claude, they have 6 other brothers and sisters that live in a tent city in Cite Soleil, which is one of the most dangerous and poorest parts of Port Au Prince. Claudy’s dad died in the earthquake and their mom became paralyzed in the earthquake so her children including Marie Claude and Claudy would run around the tent city begging and stealing food. When Claudy came to us he was very shy and reserved. But as he started to feel more at home he became a little hard to control, but we knew that the life he lived prior to coming to the orphanage was one of survival. After he stayed with us for about a month we started to hear that he was stealing stuff and taking it to school and giving it away and also at night he would go into the pantry and binge on food, but that was a habit that he learned in the tent city as he had to steal his food and provisions for his family.

Claudy is a great kid, and Ms. Lynn always talks to him about someday being a principal of a school. He will be a strong leader someday. He has great gifts and talents and is very bright. Claudy loves to be outside and play soccer and help the guys build things. Unfortunately, his mom passed away 7 months after Marie Claude came to us. But the mom knew that these 2 kids were taken care of and that they will have a future and a hope.