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Benedita Guillaume - Sponsor Now

Benedita Guillaume

Place Plaisance de Sud

Ministry Children of Grace Orphanage

Age 14

Gender Female

Benedita came from one of the poorest and most dangerous parts of Port Au Prince. Her mom died of starvation and her dad left Benedita in a garbage can to die. A lady was walking by and heard a baby crying so she took Benedita home and started feeding this 1-year-old baby boiled crackers and water. This lady kept her for a few weeks and then Benedita became very sick and was admitted into the hospital where a friend of Ms. Lynns was. Ms. Lynn's friend knew that Children of Grace took in malnourished babies so she called Ms. Lynn and asked if we would take this baby. When Benedita first came to us we were not sure if she was going to live because she was so severely malnourished. For a year we prayed and fought for her life, she was in and out of hospitals with many doctors saying that she was not going to live, she had a very severe odor coming from her head and she had an extremely extended abdomen, she was very unengaged and would sit for hours and just stare into space. In the summer of 2012, we realized that God has won the battle and that Benedita would live and not die. She is truly a survivor and fought for her life.

Today she is healthy and well. She plays, she has a sparkle in her eye, she has attitude, she eats on her own and she knows what she wants when she wants it. We are so thankful that we have been a safe place for her to grow and thrive and realize that she is safe. Benedita will live to tell her story and make a difference in this world and in her country